04:30duration 4 minutes 30 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 31 - Does Son of Man have any…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 31 - Does Son of Man have any particular significance?
From Bill Johnson
01:29duration 1 minute 29 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 3 - What are the major…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 3 - What are the major sources for Christology?
08:18duration 8 minutes 18 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 30 - Why is Jesus called Lord?
09:49duration 9 minutes 49 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 28 - Was it Possible for…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 28 - Was it Possible for Jesus to Sin?
07:53duration 7 minutes 53 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 27 - Does the immaculate…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 27 - Does the immaculate conception have anything to do with the sinlessness of Jesus?
15:02duration 15 minutes 2 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 29 - Did Jesus have brothers…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 29 - Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?
10:42duration 10 minutes 42 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 25 - What does Paul mean when…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 25 - What does Paul mean when he says that Jesus is our wisdom, righteousness, sanification and redemption?
10:10duration 10 minutes 10 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 24 - The Communication of…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 24 - The Communication of Attributes in Christ
10:31duration 10 minutes 31 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 26 - What do we mean by…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 26 - What do we mean by Christ's active and passive obedience?
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
Dogmatics 2- Volume 21 - The I AM Statements in…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 21 - The I AM Statements in John
05:41duration 5 minutes 41 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 22 - Other Passages that…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 22 - Other Passages that Speak of Jesus as God
15:26duration 15 minutes 26 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 23 - The Christological genera
01:52duration 1 minute 52 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 2 - Among various Christian…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 2 - Among various Christian doctrines, where do you rank Christology in importance?
06:25duration 6 minutes 25 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 20 - Which sections of the…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 20 - Which sections of the Bible show that Jesus is God?
03:38duration 3 minutes 38 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 19 - What does John mean in…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 19 - What does John mean in calling Jesus the Word of God?
04:09duration 4 minutes 9 seconds
Dogmatics 2- Volume 18 - At what moment did Jesus…
Dogmatics 2- Volume 18 - At what moment did Jesus become God?