26:11duration 26 minutes 11 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Ash Wednesday - Series C -…
Lectionary Podcast - Ash Wednesday - Series C - Epistle
From John Elmer
41:40duration 41 minutes 40 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Transfiguration - Series C -…
Lectionary Podcast - Transfiguration - Series C - Epistle
17:32duration 17 minutes 32 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Christmas Day - Series C -…
Lectionary Podcast - Christmas Day - Series C - Epistle
15:21duration 15 minutes 21 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Advent 4 - Series C -…
Lectionary Podcast - Advent 4 - Series C - Epistle - with Dr. Arthur Just
24:43duration 24 minutes 43 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Epiphany 2 - Series C -…
Lectionary Podcast - Epiphany 2 - Series C - Epistle - with Dr. John Nordling
25:01duration 25 minutes 1 second
Lectionary Podcast - Reformation - Series B -…
Lectionary Podcast - Reformation - Series B - Epistle
30:50duration 30 minutes 50 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 17 - Series B -…
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 17 - Series B - Epistle
30:09duration 30 minutes 9 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 15 - Series B -…
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 15 - Series B - Epistle
23:25duration 23 minutes 25 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 12-Series B-Epistle
23:00duration 23 minutes 0 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 10-Series B-Epistle
22:20duration 22 minutes 20 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 9-Series B-Epistle
21:31duration 21 minutes 31 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 8-Series B-Epistle
09:04duration 9 minutes 4 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-All Saints Day-Series B-Epistle
22:19duration 22 minutes 19 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 18-Series B-Epistle
24:25duration 24 minutes 25 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 28-Series B-Epistle
20:13duration 20 minutes 13 seconds
Lectionary Podcast-Proper 24-Series B-Epistle