47:48duration 47 minutes 48 seconds
Marriage and So-called Civil Unions: Biblical and…
Marriage and So-called Civil Unions: Biblical and Natural Law Argument
From Bill Johnson
51:52duration 51 minutes 52 seconds
Man Reconstructed: Humanity Beyond Biology
01:00:46duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Does Ephesians 5:21 Support Mutual Submission?
01:31:44duration 1 hour 31 minutes
Lutheran Support for Pro-Life: A case of Faith…
Lutheran Support for Pro-Life: A case of Faith Without Works?
53:27duration 53 minutes 27 seconds
Defining Humanity in the Lutheran Confessions and…
Defining Humanity in the Lutheran Confessions and in Post-Reformation Lutheran Theology
46:11duration 46 minutes 11 seconds
Liturgical Re-Adjustments: Off Ramp to Apostasy?
01:32:35duration 1 hour 32 minutes
Why Attempts to Make the Bible Supportive of…
Why Attempts to Make the Bible Supportive of Homosexual Practice Don't Work: A look at Recent Scholarship
From peter.bodtke@kaltura.com
44:07duration 44 minutes 7 seconds
Theology of the Body in the Old Testament
43:46duration 43 minutes 46 seconds
The Value of Children According to the Gospels
45:37duration 45 minutes 37 seconds
The Relationship Between God and Man: A Divine…
The Relationship Between God and Man: A Divine Object Lesson
55:46duration 55 minutes 46 seconds
The Church's Place in the Public Square: Can…
The Church's Place in the Public Square: Can the Shoes of Richard John Neuhaus Be Filled?
01:04:33duration 1 hour 4 minutes
The ELCA: Quo Vadis?
05:46duration 5 minutes 46 seconds
Symposia 2013 - Presentation to President Harrison
04:28duration 4 minutes 28 seconds
Symposia 2013 - Presentation to John Pless
04:11duration 4 minutes 11 seconds
Symposia 2013 - Presentation to Ben Mayes
16:19duration 16 minutes 19 seconds
Symposia 2013 - Presentation of Kenyan Hymnal