09:36duration 9 minutes 36 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 60 - What a pastor needs to…
Old Testament- Volume 60 - What a pastor needs to know about the Book of Psalms (psalter)
From Bill Johnson
19:29duration 19 minutes 29 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 59 - Step-by-step process…
Old Testament- Volume 59 - Step-by-step process for preaching OT texts
11:37duration 11 minutes 37 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 58 - Explanation of 1…
Old Testament- Volume 58 - Explanation of 1 Chron. 4:9-10 (Prayer of Jabez) and 2 Chron. 7:14 (God promises to heal our land)
11:01duration 11 minutes 1 second
Old Testament- Volume 6 - Why is Genesis 3:15 so…
Old Testament- Volume 6 - Why is Genesis 3:15 so important and how does it relate to the rest of Scripture?
12:50duration 12 minutes 50 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 55 - Definition of…
Old Testament- Volume 55 - Definition of Apocalyptic Literature
07:47duration 7 minutes 47 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 57 - Jewish history after…
Old Testament- Volume 57 - Jewish history after the Exile
10:44duration 10 minutes 44 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 56 - What happened after…
Old Testament- Volume 56 - What happened after the exile?
22:56duration 22 minutes 56 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 54 - What is the Book of…
Old Testament- Volume 54 - What is the Book of Daniel about?
17:48duration 17 minutes 48 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 53 - More to the Book of…
Old Testament- Volume 53 - More to the Book of Jonah than a whale tale
10:56duration 10 minutes 56 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 52 - The life and ministry…
Old Testament- Volume 52 - The life and ministry of the prophet Hosea
10:48duration 10 minutes 48 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 51 - What was worship like…
Old Testament- Volume 51 - What was worship like during the time of the phrophets?
20:47duration 20 minutes 47 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 50 - The book of Hosea and…
Old Testament- Volume 50 - The book of Hosea and the importance of the minor prophets
26:55duration 26 minutes 55 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 5 - Genesis 1:1 and the…
Old Testament- Volume 5 - Genesis 1:1 and the debate between Creation and Evolution
14:08duration 14 minutes 8 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 49 - What is the Day of the…
Old Testament- Volume 49 - What is the Day of the Lord?
18:12duration 18 minutes 12 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 48 - How to respond to the…
Old Testament- Volume 48 - How to respond to the Left Behind series
08:19duration 8 minutes 19 seconds
Old Testament- Volume 47 - What about claims that…
Old Testament- Volume 47 - What about claims that the temple at Jerusalem must or will be rebuilt?