04:45duration 4 minutes 45 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 9 - The…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 9 - The Call Process
From Bill Johnson
11:47duration 11 minutes 47 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 8 - What…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 8 - What is Ordination?
03:37duration 3 minutes 37 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 67 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 67 - Guiding Principles
05:25duration 5 minutes 25 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 7 - Deacon…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 7 - Deacon to Pastor
02:58duration 2 minutes 58 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 65 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 65 - Involvement in Community Affairs
05:12duration 5 minutes 12 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 66 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 66 - Interdenominational Relations
10:45duration 10 minutes 45 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 64 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 64 - Dealing with Lapsed Members
14:12duration 14 minutes 12 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 63 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 63 - Excommunication
19:08duration 19 minutes 8 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 62 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 62 - Administering Church Discipline
07:47duration 7 minutes 47 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 60 - Rite…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 60 - Rite of Burial without the Body
11:02duration 11 minutes 2 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 61 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 61 - Guiding Principles for Admonishing Unrepentant Sinners
04:25duration 4 minutes 25 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 6 - The…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 6 - The Pastor and His Relationships
20:25duration 20 minutes 25 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 59 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 59 - Funerals for Suicides or Unbelievers
09:37duration 9 minutes 37 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 58 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 58 - Post-funeral Pastoral Care
14:35duration 14 minutes 35 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 57 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 57 - Advice for Conducting Funerals
06:15duration 6 minutes 15 seconds
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 55 -…
Pastoral Theology and Practice- Volume 55 - Questions about Cremation