52:49duration 52 minutes 49 seconds
Exegesis - The Rich Monotheism of Isaiah as…
Exegesis - The Rich Monotheism of Isaiah as Christological Resource
From peter.bodtke@kaltura.com
57:15duration 57 minutes 15 seconds
Exegesis - Entering Holiness: The High Priestly…
Exegesis - Entering Holiness: The High Priestly Christology of Hebrews
25:27duration 25 minutes 27 seconds
Exegesis - Current Christological Controversies…
Exegesis - Current Christological Controversies and the Church's Response
38:22duration 38 minutes 22 seconds
Exegesis - Beautiful Savior: Luke's…
Exegesis - Beautiful Savior: Luke's Christological Contributions
51:25duration 51 minutes 25 seconds
Confessions - Third Use of the Law: Recolving the…
Confessions - Third Use of the Law: Recolving the Tension
From Bill Johnson
58:51duration 58 minutes 51 seconds
Confessions - The Third Use of the Law: Is the…
Confessions - The Third Use of the Law: Is the Phrase Necessary?
01:05:15duration 1 hour 5 minutes
Confessions - The Third Use of the Law, a…
Confessions - The Third Use of the Law, a Contribution of the Formula of Concord
46:56duration 46 minutes 56 seconds
Confessions - The Place of the Third Use of the…
Confessions - The Place of the Third Use of the Law in Reformed Theology
54:43duration 54 minutes 43 seconds
Confessions - The Author Meets His Critics
40:24duration 40 minutes 24 seconds
Confessions - Looking into the Heart of Missouri
56:01duration 56 minutes 1 second
Confessions - Hitting or Missing the Mark