58:52duration 58 minutes 52 seconds
Exegesis - The Heart of the Apocalypses: A…
Exegesis - The Heart of the Apocalypses: A Teaching for All Times
From peter.bodtke@kaltura.com
40:40duration 40 minutes 40 seconds
Exegesis - Tracing Eschatological Themes in Isaiah
47:03duration 47 minutes 3 seconds
Exegesis - Sacramental Theology in the Book of…
Exegesis - Sacramental Theology in the Book of Revelation
48:07duration 48 minutes 7 seconds
Exegesis - Reading Luke with the Church Fathers
43:50duration 43 minutes 50 seconds
Exegesis - Paul's Quotations from Genesis:…
Exegesis - Paul's Quotations from Genesis: 'The Intended Sense Is One?'
36:16duration 36 minutes 16 seconds
Exegesis - Proleptic Eschatology in the Old…
Exegesis - Proleptic Eschatology in the Old Testament
43:21duration 43 minutes 21 seconds
Exegesis - More than Leader, Administrator, and…
Exegesis - More than Leader, Administrator, and Therapist: The Scriptural Substance of the Pastoral Office
01:02:02duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Exegesis - Looking to the Past to See the Future:…
Exegesis - Looking to the Past to See the Future: The Old Testament as Eschatological Portrait
43:44duration 43 minutes 44 seconds
Exegesis - A Canonical Reading of Ecclesiastes 1-2
29:55duration 29 minutes 55 seconds
Exegesis - 'We Are Yours, O David': The…
Exegesis - 'We Are Yours, O David': The Eschatology of Chronicles
Exegesis - 'Apocalypse Now':…
Exegesis - 'Apocalypse Now': Inaugurated Eschatology in the Book of Revelation
50:45duration 50 minutes 45 seconds
Confessions - The Death and Resurrection of Jesus…
Confessions - The Death and Resurrection of Jesus as Eschatological Event
From Bill Johnson
42:03duration 42 minutes 3 seconds
Confessions - Liturgy as Eschatology
49:09duration 49 minutes 9 seconds
Confessions - Eucharist and Eschatology
53:57duration 53 minutes 57 seconds
Confessions - Death and Martyrdom: Eschatology in…
Confessions - Death and Martyrdom: Eschatology in the Early Church
47:40duration 47 minutes 40 seconds
Confession - The Foundation of Faith and Its…
Confession - The Foundation of Faith and Its Structure