01:09:44duration 1 hour 9 minutes
2015 Symposia Toward a Theory of the Early…
2015 Symposia Toward a Theory of the Early Development of the New Testament Text
From Bill Johnson
39:30duration 39 minutes 30 seconds
2015 Symposia The New Paganism
58:03duration 58 minutes 3 seconds
2015 Symposia When Culture Was First Made…
2015 Symposia When Culture Was First Made Christian: The Accomplishment of Constantine and Theodosius
53:15duration 53 minutes 15 seconds
2015 Symposia Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage:…
2015 Symposia Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: The Triumph of Culture
57:15duration 57 minutes 15 seconds
2015 Symposia Panel Discussion
55:13duration 55 minutes 13 seconds
2015 Symposia Manuscripts and Texts of the New…
2015 Symposia Manuscripts and Texts of the New Testament: A Case Study on the Textual Tradition of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
01:02:00duration 1 hour 2 minutes
2015 Symposia Jeremiah: Premier Exhibit of…
2015 Symposia Jeremiah: Premier Exhibit of Textual Elasticity or Interesting Example of Textual Stability?
38:25duration 38 minutes 25 seconds
2015 Symposia Islam-s Future in America:…
2015 Symposia Islam-s Future in America: Replacing a Christian Culture
44:40duration 44 minutes 40 seconds
2015 Symposia How a Constitution May Undermine…
2015 Symposia How a Constitution May Undermine Constitutionalism
01:04:41duration 1 hour 4 minutes
2015 Symposia How Important Is the Homologoumena…
2015 Symposia How Important Is the Homologoumena and Antilegomena Distinction for the New Testament Canon in the 21st Century? The Book of Revelation as a Test Case
52:33duration 52 minutes 33 seconds
2015 Symposia Culture-No Escape
54:35duration 54 minutes 35 seconds
2015 Symposia Biblical Studies as Culturally…
2015 Symposia Biblical Studies as Culturally Driven Discipline
01:00:14duration 1 hour 0 minutes
2015 Symposia Culture and the Vocation of a…
2015 Symposia Culture and the Vocation of a Theologian
01:00:31duration 1 hour 0 minutes
2015 Symposia American Response to German…
2015 Symposia American Response to German Politics before WWII
From peter.bodtke@kaltura.com
49:06duration 49 minutes 6 seconds
2015 Symposia Acts: Defining the Canon from Within