Colossians 3:6-15 Rev. Prof. John Pless Professor - Concordia Theological Seminary
Psalm 89:1-8 Rev. Roger Peters Concordia Theological Seminary
Acts 8:4-13 Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt Concordia Theological Seminary
Matthew 3:13-17 Rev. Daniel Burfiend New Hope Lutheran Church, Ossian, Indiana
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Rev. Matthew E. Borrasso - Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran church in… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. Rune Imberg - Professor in Church History at Lutheran School of Theology in… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. Roland F. Ziegler - The Robert D. Preus Associate Professor of Systematic… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. John Kleinig - Professor emeritus at Luther College in Adelaide, South… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. David P. Scaer - The David P. Scaer Professor of Biblical and Systematic… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. Werner Klän - Professor emeritus of Germany's Lutherische… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn - Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin,… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. Matthew C. Harrison - President of the Lutheran Church — Missouri… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 43rd Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions delivered by Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. - President and Professor of Historical Theology at… -
From John Elmer
A scholarly lecture at the 35th Annual Symposium on Exegetical Theology delivered by Prof. Adam C. Koontz - Assistant Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia…