55:56duration 55 minutes 56 seconds
Luther's Use of Apologetics
From Bill Johnson
49:41duration 49 minutes 41 seconds
Luther's Ecumenical Connections
57:36duration 57 minutes 36 seconds
Luther's Lectures on Hebrews: The Headwaters…
Luther's Lectures on Hebrews: The Headwaters of the Reformation
01:20:15duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Demonology in Luther's Theology and in the…
Demonology in Luther's Theology and in the Presence
01:07:51duration 1 hour 7 minutes
Luther in America
01:08:14duration 1 hour 8 minutes
How Did Luther Preach: A Plea for…
How Did Luther Preach: A Plea for Gospel-Dominated Preaching
47:01duration 47 minutes 1 second
Wittenberg University: Intellectual Servant of…
Wittenberg University: Intellectual Servant of the Reformation and Model for a Lutheran University
From peter.bodtke@kaltura.com
56:23duration 56 minutes 23 seconds
Will the Real Luther Stand Up?
49:31duration 49 minutes 31 seconds
Waiting Is the Hardest Part: Isaiah's Motif…
Waiting Is the Hardest Part: Isaiah's Motif of Waiting in Light of God Hidden and Revealed
01:00:43duration 1 hour 0 minutes
The Story of Salvation, The Genesis of a New…
The Story of Salvation, The Genesis of a New Creation and a Bold Proclamation: Luther Lessons for the Present Crisis
57:14duration 57 minutes 14 seconds
The 95 Theses and Why They Are Still Important
01:02:02duration 1 hour 2 minutes
The 32 Annual Symposium on Exegetical Theology -…
The 32 Annual Symposium on Exegetical Theology - Panel Discussion
35:31duration 35 minutes 31 seconds
The 40th Annual Symposium on the Lutheran…
The 40th Annual Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions - Panel Discussion
01:04:39duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Confessing Grace and Holiness: Augustine and the…
Confessing Grace and Holiness: Augustine and the Church of the Reformation
01:00:23duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Old, Cold, Lame and One-eyed: Luther's Last…
Old, Cold, Lame and One-eyed: Luther's Last Year
39:32duration 39 minutes 32 seconds
Christ as Gift: Reflections on a New Testament…
Christ as Gift: Reflections on a New Testament Theme