16:17duration 16 minutes 17 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Ash Wednesday - All Series -…
Lectionary Podcast - Ash Wednesday - All Series - Old Testament
Joel 2:12-19 with Rev. Dr. Walter Maier, III
18:59duration 18 minutes 59 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Epiphany 3 - Series C - Old…
Lectionary Podcast - Epiphany 3 - Series C - Old Testament
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 with Rev. Dr. Walter Maier, III
18:08duration 18 minutes 8 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 11 - Series B - Old…
Lectionary Podcast - Proper 11 - Series B - Old Testament
Jeremiah 23:1-6 with Dr. Walter Maier, III
19:57duration 19 minutes 57 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Lent 5 - Series B - Old…
Lectionary Podcast - Lent 5 - Series B - Old Testament
Jeremiah 31:31-34 with Dr. Walter Maier, III
16:52duration 16 minutes 52 seconds
Lectionary Podcast - Pentecost - Series B - Old…
Lectionary Podcast - Pentecost - Series B - Old Testament
Ezekiel 37:1-14 with Dr. Walter Maier III